Alchemical Offerings
I. AM. Soul Connection Reading
This reading uses your astrology chart, but not in a traditional way. There are patterns made by the positions of the planets at the time of your birth that can be seen in the astrology chart. These patterns are similar to sacred geometry in that there is energy encoded within them.
The Maltese Cross Energy Session
A cross symbolizes the meeting of two planes of consciousness—the horizontal bar represents the plane of the human consciousness ( the ego), and the vertical bar represents the energies of Source.The center where the two lines intersect is the point where the energies of heaven are released to the earth.
Personal Energy Session with Will.I.AM.
Will.I.AM. is an Ascended Master on the seventh ray, the violet ray of change, transmutation, and magic. He helps people who don’t believe in themselves to find their true identity. He helps those who are lost, to find their way. (And we can all get a little lost at times...) He empowers those who ask for help.
Pattern Unraveling
We’ve each had many thousands of lifetimes, possibly 15,000 or more. That’s a multitude of opportunities for our soul to learn, experience, and create. Each time a program and pattern is cleared, you will feel lighter, happier, more joyful, and more balanced.
Sacred Space Soul Astrology Reading
This astrology reading will be created by you and I together as we work in a sacred space of healing and transformation. I will read your energy pattern and give you tools and techniques to work with it.
Soul Release
Your Akashic Records are a dimension of your consciousness. They hold everything that your soul has ever thought, said, or done over the course of its existence. Some lifetimes may have “splintered away” into the subconscious because of the trauma, heartache or pain that was encountered.
Metatron’s Astrology Cube
Metatron has stepped forward to offer a fast-track clearing and activation session working with the patterns in your chart. He clears old patterns, stuck energy and karma from the entire chart and all that is contained in it. There is physical healing that happens as well. Metatron’s Astrology Cube is designed to bring you very big shifts very quickly, which you will see and feel in your life.
Relationship Chart Clearing Session
Relationships, as well as individuals, have astrology charts. The chart of a relationship combines the birth charts of two people, just as their personal energy creates their relationship in everyday life. It shows the energy each person contributes to the relationship. The dynamics of the patterns and programs of that relationship can be seen clearly there. The challenges and issues are shown there as well.
Learn Practical Reiki—Become Your Own Soul Alchemist
If you are ready to change your life, to take charge of your life, and become your own soul alchemist, it’s time to learn an energy healing modality. Everyone has the power to completely change their lives, inside and out.