Soul Release
Your Akashic Records are a dimension of your consciousness. They hold everything that your soul has ever thought, said, or done over the course of its existence. Your soul may have experienced 15,000 past lifetimes or more that may be affecting your current life.
This may take the form of emotional blocks, “irrational” fears, cellular memory in the body, compulsive patterns, or the “shadow” side of our personality. The shadow side is the part of our personality that contains all the parts of ourselves that we don’t want to admit to having, or consciously don’t know is there.
Some lifetimes may have “splintered away” into the subconscious because of the trauma, heartache or pain that was encountered. It is like these lives are on the outside looking in and you may feel this wounding or abandonment in some way. There is a way to release these parts of your soul that have become “stuck”.
Not only will we release these parts, but through soul alchemy, we can go into your Akashic Records and integrate these lifetimes. It’s like taking a barren field and planting it full of flowers. You will feel lighter and happier, like a weight has been lifted from you. You may feel outright relief, you may cry. You may feel peace. You will feel different. You will notice a difference going forward in your current lifetime. You may feel balanced, whole, more aligned with your soul path. Then you will find that a wider field of opportunities will open up for you.
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