Relationship Chart Clearing Session

Relationships, as well as individuals, have astrology charts. The chart of a relationship combines the birth charts of two people, just as their personal energy creates their relationship in everyday life. It shows the energy each person contributes to the relationship. The dynamics of the patterns and programs of that relationship can be seen clearly there. The challenges and issues are shown there as well.

Energy can be run through the relationship chart to clear the old stuck energy. Sacred geometry can clear karma, emotional blocks, trauma, cellular memory and more from the relationship--from this lifetime and from all past lifetimes. Many of our close relationships in this lifetime are past life relationships, and the lessons and experiences are carried forward from one lifetime to the next. Now is the time to make a shift.

You will feel a lightness after these clearings, and possibly more love toward the other person. You may feel more happiness when you are with that person. Burdens have been released from the relationship on mental, emotional, spiritual, and psychological levels. The relationship starts to flow easier. Those little things in the relationship that used to bother you won't bother you as much anymore. You may also notice the other person being happier around you and having more joy in your relationship.

You may find that you want to be with your partner more. Talk more, engage more. You may find that you have more patience, more unconditional love for them. Everybody is going to be different, depending on what is going on in the relationship and what is coming from past lives.

How does it work? We create the relationship chart between you and the other person. Exact birth times are not necessary since this isn't a reading. I create a video recording of the energy clearing through the chart. It will be silent (not a reading) but it will contain all the energy. One person will play the recording at least four times, once a week for four weeks. Both people can listen to it as well, but only one person is necessary. You will see shifts and changes happening each time you play the recording.

Relationships are dynamic--always shifting and changing--because we are adding energy to them every day. This recording is an excellent tool that you can use as needed in the future, for whenever your relationship needs a little energetic magic.

Does the other person in the relationship need to give permission for this clearing? No. The other person is not getting personal clearing. You are not getting personal clearing. The relationship is getting the clearing. You are holding the space and allowing the clearing to run through you.

This relationship chart clearing can be done for you and your parents, your children, your spouse, your friends. This clearing can be also be done with someone where there is no longer a relationship, such as an ex-partner or ex-spouse. It can clear out old baggage and bring you peace and closure.

Approximate time, 60 minutes, to be performed four times, and then as many times as needed in the future...$108

Wow the session you recorded was so immense so blown away by it! Honestly I can’t thank you enough... What a gift you have. Its been hugely transformational I can really feel a huge shift. This felt like one of the biggest shifts I have experienced so far." - C.L.